A balance in Career and Life

Career and Lifestyle

There is a belief in our society that people should work hard for their entire life to build their career, sacrifice themselves in order to earn a living and accumulated enough money so that they can live the life they want. This belief is the cause for much of our unhappiness, dissatisfaction, and pain in our lives. The truth is that people who design their career around their wanted lifestyle, rather than the other way around, actually work harder, make more money, have more opportunity, are more well-liked, and have more fulfilling careers. So a perfect balance between our career and life is the reality we can never ignore.

We should make a list of the things that are important to us to have in our lives.

Now to write down what each thing will cost us, and be liberal on the expense side.

When we have calculated what we need in our life, then we know how much is required to live our ideal lifestyle. From there, we can begin to build the income streams necessary to make our dreams become a reality.

We define success only in the context of career – how far up the corporate ladder we can climb and how much money or bonus one could earn. I think we should take a much broader perspective on success.

To be truly successful is to have a balance in our life. So often we are focused on one area of our life at the expense of another. I really believe we are most successful when we are in balance and generally feeling happy with every area of life, whether that’s career, family, friends, significant other, finances, personal growth, health and wellness, physical environment and even spirituality.

Now what are our priorities?

First, it’s really important to get clarity around our values. What’s most important to us ? We should take some amount of time for some self-discovery to define our values. Often there is disconnect between what people say are their values and what they are actually practicing. Once we define and have clarity around our values, it becomes easier to make choices and decisions in our life.

In my experience, people are better able to express the “things” they want rather than what truly makes them happy. Helping people get reconnected to their values, desires and their dreams helps them to steer away from the pursuit of “things” and moves them toward what they truly value instead.

What are our goals and how to implement?

I strongly believe it’s important to not only set goals but to also review them regularly. Each year we should take stock of what we have accomplished that particular year and take the time to review what we have learned and how much we have grown in every area of our life.
Then we should also take the time to think about our goals for the following year:
• What do we want it to be in our status the coming year?
• What should success look like at the end of the year?
• What career and/or business goals do we wish to set for the year?
• What personal development initiatives or training do we want to undertake?
• Where far do we want to travel to achieve our goal?
• What much do we wish to gather experience though out the year?
• How much amount of money do we want to save or invest during the year?

It’s really amazing how many goals we can achieve just by identifying them and clearly articulating them.

Next we have to put time and energy on how to implement our action towards those goals set by us. Sometimes it’s time consuming and sometimes it’s just not an easy task. Successful people get things done, no matter how busy they are. So if we want to achieve something in our life with our goals set then we will put the time and energy into it.

Now it is time to enjoy every step in the journey to success.

Lastly, it’s not just about reaching the goals; it is also about enjoying each & every moment along the way to the goal that’s fulfilling. Those wonderful memories and lessons learned along the way in this long journey for a balance in our career and life make the goal much more meaningful than the goal itself.


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